
Ensemble Ground State of a Many-Electron System with Fractional Electron Number and Spin: Piecewise-Linearity and Flat-Plane Condition Generalized

Description of many-electron systems with a fractional electron number (Ntot) and fractional spin (Mtot) is of great importance in physical chemistry, solid-state physics, and materials science. In this Letter, we provide an exact description of the zero-temperature ensemble ground state of a general, finite, many-electron system and characterize the dependence of the energy and the spin-densities on both Ntot and Mtot, when the total spin is at its equilibrium value. We generalize the piecewise-linearity principle and the flat-plane condition and determine which pure states contribute to the ground-state ensemble. We find a new derivative discontinuity, which manifests for spin variation at a constant Ntot, as a jump in the Kohn–Sham potential. We identify a previously unknown degeneracy of the ground state, such that the total energy and density are unique, but the spin-densities are not. Our findings serve as a basis for development of advanced approximations in density functional theory and other many-electron methods.

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Geometric potential of the exact electron factorization: Meaning, significance, and application
Jakub Kocák, Eli, Kraisler , and Axel, Schild . 2023. Geometric Potential Of The Exact Electron Factorization: Meaning, Significance, And Application. Phys. Rev. Research, 5, Pp. 013016. Abstract

Figure 2

The theoretical and computational description of materials properties is a task of utmost scientific and technological importance. A first-principles description of electron-electron interactions poses an immense challenge that is usually approached by converting the many-electron problem to an effective one-electron problem. There are different ways to obtain an exact one-electron theory for a many-electron system. An emergent method is the exact electron factorization (EEF) – one of the branches of the exact factorization approach to many-body systems. In the EEF, the Schrödinger equation for one electron, in the environment of all other electrons, is formulated. The influence of the environment is reflected in the potential vH, which represents the energy of the environment, and in a potential vG, which has a geometrical meaning. In this paper, we focus on vG and study its properties in detail. We investigate the geometric origin of vG as a metric measuring the change of the environment, exemplify how translation and scaling of the state of the environment are reflected in vG, and explain its shape for homo- and heteronuclear diatomic model systems. Based on the close connection between the EEF and density functional theory, we also use vG to provide an alternative interpretation to the Pauli potential in orbital-free density functional theory.

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Improved calculations of mean ionization states with an average-atom model
Timothy J Callow, Kraisler, Eli , and Attila, Cangi . 2023. Improved Calculations Of Mean Ionization States With An Average-Atom Model. Phys. Rev. Research, 5, Pp. 013049. Abstract

Figure 2

The mean ionization state (MIS) is a critical property in dense plasma and warm dense matter research, for example, as an input to hydrodynamics simulations and Monte Carlo simulations. Unfortunately, however, the best way to compute the MIS remains an open question. Average-atom (AA) models are widely used in this context due to their computational efficiency, but as we show here, the canonical approach for calculating the MIS in AA models is typically insufficient. We therefore explore three alternative approaches to compute the MIS. First, we modify the canonical approach to change the way electrons are partitioned into bound and free states; second, we develop a novel approach using the electron localization function; finally, we extend a method, which uses the Kubo-Greenwood conductivity to our average-atom model. Through comparisons with higher-fidelity simulations and experimental data, we find that any of the three new methods usually outperforms the canonical approach, with the electron localization function and Kubo-Greenwood methods showing particular promise.

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Ionization potentials and fundamental gaps in atomic systems from the Ensemble-DFT approach
Sharon Lavie, Goshen, Yuli , and Kraisler, Eli . 2023. Ionization Potentials And Fundamental Gaps In Atomic Systems From The Ensemble-Dft Approach. J. Chem. Phys., 158, Pp. 154111. Abstract

Highest occupied and lowest unoccupied energy levels of O+ (εho↑ and εlu↑—solid and dotted blue and εho↓ and εlu↓—solid and dotted yellow) within the LSDA before and after the ensemble generalization. The potential shifts v0σ are depicted by solid arrows and the shifts w0σ by dashed arrows. The resultant energies a↑ and a↓ are drawn in dashed blue and yellow, respectively. The smallest KS gap, Eg,KS↓↑ and the smallest fundamental gap, Eg,ens↓↑ are indicated. Values for the fundamental gap obtained from total energy differences, EgΔSCF (red), and from experiment, Egexp (black), are plotted for comparison.

Calculations in Kohn–Sham density functional theory crucially rely on high-quality approximations for the exchange-correlation (xc) functional. Standard local and semi-local approximations fail to predict the ionization potential (IP) and the fundamental gap, departing from the Kohn–Sham orbital energies, due to the deviation of the total energy from piecewise-linearity and the absence of the derivative discontinuity. The ensemble generalization procedure introduced in Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 126403 (2013) restores, to a large extent, these features in any approximate xc functional and improves its ability to predict the IP and the fundamental gap with negligible additional computational effort. In this work we perform an extensive study of atoms and first ions across the Periodic Table, generalizing the local spin-density and the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof approximations. By applying the ensemble generalization to a variety of systems, with s-, p-, and d-character, we assess the accuracy of the method and identify important trends. In particular, we find that the accuracy of our approach heavily depends on the character of the frontier orbitals: when d-orbitals are involved, the performance is far less accurate. Possible sources of error are discussed and ways for further improvement are outlined.

Publisher's Version                                            arXiv version

Physics-enhanced neural networks for equation-of-state calculations
Timothy J Callow, Jan, Nikl , Eli, Kraisler , and Attila, Cangi . 2023. Physics-Enhanced Neural Networks For Equation-Of-State Calculations. Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol., 4, Pp. 045055. Abstract

Rapid access to accurate equation-of-state (EOS) data is crucial in the warm-dense matter (WDM) regime, as it is employed in various applications, such as providing input for hydrodynamic codes to model inertial confinement fusion processes. In this study, we develop neural network models for predicting the EOS based on first-principles data. The first model utilises basic physical properties, while the second model incorporates more sophisticated physical information, using output from average-atom (AA) calculations as features. AA models are often noted for providing a reasonable balance of accuracy and speed; however, our comparison of AA models and higher-fidelity calculations shows that more accurate models are required in the WDM regime. Both the neural network models we propose, particularly the physics-enhanced one, demonstrate significant potential as accurate and efficient methods for computing EOS data in WDM.

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atoMEC: An open-source average-atom Python code
Timothy J Callow, Kotik, Daniel , Kraisler, Eli , and Cangi, Attila . 2022. Atomec: An Open-Source Average-Atom Python Code. Abstract

Average-atom models are an important tool in studying matter under extreme conditions, such as those conditions experienced in planetary cores, brown and white dwarfs, and during inertial confinement fusion. In the right context, average-atom models can yield results with similar accuracy to simulations which require orders of magnitude more computing time, and thus can greatly reduce financial and environmental costs. Unfortunately, due to the wide range of possible models and approximations, and the lack of open-source codes, average-atom models can at times appear inaccessible. In this paper, we present our open-source average-atom code, atoMEC. We explain the aims and structure of atoMEC to illuminate the different stages and options in an average-atom calculation, and to facilitate community contributions. We also discuss the use of various open-source Python packages in atoMEC, which have expedited its development.

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First-principles derivation and properties of density-functional average-atom models
T. J. Callow, Hansen, S. B. , Eli, Kraisler , and Attila, Cangi . 2022. First-Principles Derivation And Properties Of Density-Functional Average-Atom Models. Phys. Rev. Research, 4, Pp. 023055. Abstract

WDM regime chart

Finite-temperature Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) is a widely-used method in warm dense matter (WDM) simulations and diagnostics. Unfortunately, full KS-DFT-molecular dynamics models scale unfavourably with temperature and there remains uncertainty regarding the performance of existing approximate exchange-correlation (XC) functionals under WDM conditions. Of particular concern is the expected explicit dependence of the XC functional on temperature, which is absent from most approximations. Average-atom (AA) models, which significantly reduce the computational cost of KS-DFT calculations, have therefore become an integral part of WDM modeling. In this paper, we present a derivation of a first-principles AA model from the fully-interacting many-body Hamiltonian, carefully analyzing the assumptions made and terms neglected in this reduction. We explore the impact of different choices within this model—such as boundary conditions and XC functionals—on common properties in WDM, for example equation-of-state data, ionization degree and the behavior of the frontier energy levels. Furthermore, drawing upon insights from ground-state KS-DFT, we discuss the likely sources of error in KS-AA models and possible strategies for mitigating such errors.

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Charge-Transfer Steps in Density Functional Theory from the Perspective of the Exact Electron Factorization
Jakub Kocák, Kraisler, Eli , and Schild, Axel . 2021. Charge-Transfer Steps In Density Functional Theory From The Perspective Of The Exact Electron Factorization. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, Pp. 3204. Abstract
Steps in the potential created due to charge transfer, along with the conditional wavefunction

When a molecule dissociates, the exact Kohn–Sham (KS) and Pauli potentials may form step structures. Reproducing these steps correctly is central for the description of dissociation and charge-transfer processes in density functional theory (DFT): The steps align the KS eigenvalues of the dissociating subsystems relative to each other and determine where electrons localize. While the step height can be calculated from the asymptotic behavior of the KS orbitals, this provides limited insight into what causes the steps. We give an explanation of the steps with an exact mapping of the many-electron problem to a one-electron problem, the exact electron factorization (EEF). The potentials appearing in the EEF have a clear physical meaning that translates to the DFT potentials by replacing the interacting many-electron system with the KS system. With a simple model of a diatomic, we illustrate that the steps are a consequence of spatial electron entanglement and are the result of a charge transfer. From this mechanism, the step height can immediately be deduced. Moreover, two methods to approximately reproduce the potentials during dissociation are proposed. One is based on the states of the dissociated system, while the other one is based on an analogy to the Born–Oppenheimer treatment of a molecule. The latter method also shows that the steps connect adiabatic potential energy surfaces. The view of DFT from the EEF thus provides a better understanding of how many-electron effects are encoded in a one-electron theory and how they can be modeled.

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From Kohn-Sham to many-electron energies via step structures in the exchange-correlation potential
Eli Kraisler, Hodgson, Matthew J. P. , and Gross, E. K. U. . 2021. From Kohn-Sham To Many-Electron Energies Via Step Structures In The Exchange-Correlation Potential. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 17, Pp. 1390. Abstract
Accurately describing excited states within Kohn–Sham (KS) density functional theory (DFT), particularly those which induce ionization and charge transfer, remains a great challenge. Common exchange-correlation (xc) approximations are unreliable for excited states Teaser from article JCTC 17. 1390 (2021)

owing, in part, to the absence of a derivative discontinuity in the xc energy (Δ), which relates a many-electron energy difference to the corresponding KS energy difference. We demonstrate, analytically and numerically, how the relationship between KS and many-electron energies leads to the step structures observed in the exact xc potential in four scenarios: electron addition, molecular dissociation, excitation of a finite system, and charge transfer. We further show that steps in the potential can be obtained also with common xc approximations, as simple as the LDA, when addressed from the ensemble perspective. The article therefore highlights how capturing the relationship between KS and many-electron energies with advanced xc approximations is crucial for accurately calculating excitations, as well as the ground-state density and energy of systems which consist of distinct subsystems.

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Asymptotic behavior of the exchange-correlation energy density and the Kohn-Sham potential in density functional theory: exact results and strategy for approximations

This paper is an invited review article for the Isreal Journal of Chemistry, which is part of the special issue: Computational Materials Science in Israel.

Abstract: Density functional theory (DFT) is nowadays the leading theoretical framework for quantum description of materials from first principles. Being an exact theory on one hand and computationally efficient on the other hand, DFT allows to address large and complex many‐electron systems and accurately predict their properties. The predictive power of DFT critically depends though on an accurate approximation to the generally unknown exchange‐correlation (xc) energy functional. Approximations can be constructed from first principles by satisfying known properties of the exact functional.

The exchange-correlaion tree

In this work I review two such exact properties: the asymptotic behavior of the xc energy density per particle and the asymptotic behavior of the Kohn‐Sham potential, in finite many‐electron systems. The derivation of the asymptotic forms for both quantities is reviewed, employing the concepts of the abatic connection and of the xc hole with relation to the first quantity and the exact electron factorization approach for the second one.  Furthermore, it is shown that the correct asymptotic behavior of one of the aforementioned quantities does not guarantee a correct behavior of the other. These quantities are related via the xc hole response function, which is defined, examined and its exact exchange part is analytically derived. The extent to which existing xc approximations satisfy the named exact properties is reviewed and the relationship between correct asymptotics and freedom from one‐electron self‐interaction in DFT is discussed. Finally, a strategy for development of advanced approximations for exchange and correlation with a correct asymptotic behavior is suggested.


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Discontinuous behavior of the Pauli potential in density functional theory as a function of the electron number

The Pauli potential is an essential quantity in orbital-free density functional theory (DFT) and in the exact electron factorization method for many-electron systems. Knowledge of the Pauli potential allows the description of a system relying on the density alone, without the need to calculate the orbitals.


In this work, we explore the behavior of the exact Pauli potential in finite systems as a function of the number of electrons, employing the ensemble approach in DFT. Assuming the system is in contact with an electron reservoir, we allow the number of electrons to vary continuously and to obtain fractional as well as integer values. We derive an expression for the Pauli potential for a spin-polarized system with a fractional number of electrons, and we find that when the electron number surpasses an integer, the Pauli potential jumps by a spatially uniform constant, similarly to the Kohn-Sham potential. The magnitude of the jump equals the Kohn-Sham gap. We illustrate our analytical findings by calculating the exact and approximate Pauli potentials for Li and Na atoms with fractional numbers of electrons.

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Asymptotic behavior of the Hartree-exchange and correlation potentials in ensemble density functional theory
Tim Gould, Pittalis, Stefano , Toulouse, Julien , Kraisler, Eli , and Kronik, Leeor . 2019. Asymptotic Behavior Of The Hartree-Exchange And Correlation Potentials In Ensemble Density Functional Theory. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, Pp. 19805-19815. Abstract
We report on previously unnoticed features of the exact Hartree-exchange and correlation potentials for atoms and ions treated via ensemble density functional theory, demonstrated on fractional ions of Li, C, and F. We show that these potentials, when treated separately, can reach non-vanishing asymptotic constant values in the outer region of spherical, spin unpolarized atoms. In the next leading order, the potentials Effective screening charge as a function of no. of electrons

resemble Coulomb potentials created by effective charges which have the peculiarity of not behaving as piecewise constants as a function of the electron number. We provide analytical derivations and complement them with numerical results using the inversion of the Kohn–Sham equations for interacting densities obtained by accurate quantum Monte Carlo calculations. The present results expand on the knowledge of crucial exact properties of Kohn–Sham systems, which can guide development of advanced exchange–correlation approximations.

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How interatomic steps in the exact Kohn-Sham potential relate to derivative discontinuities of the energy
Matthew J. P. Hodgson*, Kraisler*, Eli , Schild, Axel , and Gross, E. K. U. . 2017. How Interatomic Steps In The Exact Kohn-Sham Potential Relate To Derivative Discontinuities Of The Energy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, Pp. 5974. Abstract

Accurate density functional calculations hinge on reliable approximations to the unknown exchange-correlation (xc) potential. The most popular approximations usually lack features of the exact xc potential that are important

for an accurate prediction of the fundamental gap and the distribution of charge in complex systems. Two principal features in this regard are the spatially uniform shift in the potential, as the number of electrons infinitesimally surpasses an integer, and the spatial steps that form, for example, between the atoms of stretched molecules. Although both aforementioned concepts are well known, the exact relationship between them remained unclear.Here we establish this relationship via an analytical derivation. We support our result by numerically solving the many-electron Schrödinger equation to extract the exact Kohn–Sham potential and directly observe its features. Spatial steps in the exact xc potential of a full configuration-interaction (FCI) calculation of a molecule are presented in three dimensions.

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Effect of ensemble generalization on the highest-occupied Kohn-Sham energy level
Eli Kraisler*, Schmidt*, Tobias , Kümmel, Stephan , and Kronik, Leeor . 2015. Effect Of Ensemble Generalization On The Highest-Occupied Kohn-Sham Energy Level. J. Chem. Phys., 143, Pp. 104105. Abstract

Shifts in ho KS nergy levels, due to the ensemble generalization, in the up and down channelsThere are several approximations to the exchange-correlation functional in density-functional theory, which accurately predict total energy-related properties of many-electron systems, such as binding energies, bond lengths, and crystal structures. Other approximations are designed to describe potential-related processes, such as charge transfer and photoemission. However, the development of a functional which can serve the two purposes simultaneously is a long-standing challenge. Trying to address it, we employ in the current work the ensemble generalization procedure proposed by Kraisler and Kronik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 126403 (2013)]. Focusing on the prediction of the ionization potential via the highest occupied Kohn-Sham eigenvalue, we examine a variety of exchange-correlation approximations: the local spin-density approximation, semi-local generalized gradient approximations, and global and local hybrid functionals. Results for a test set of 26 diatomic molecules and single atoms are presented. We find that the aforementioned ensemble generalization systematically improves the prediction of the ionization potential, for various systems and exchange-correlation functionals, without compromising the accuracy of total energy-related properties. We specifically examine hybrid functionals. These depend on a parameter controlling the ratio of semi-local to non-local functional components. The ionization potential obtained with ensemble-generalized functionals is found to depend only weakly on the parameter value, contrary to common experience with non-generalized hybrids, thus eliminating one aspect of the so-called “parameter dilemma” of hybrid functionals.

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Elimination of the asymptotic fractional dissociation problem in Kohn-Sham density functional theory using the ensemble-generalization approach
Many approximations within density-functional theory spuriously predict that a many-electron system can dissociate into fractionally charged fragments. Here, we revisit the case of dissociated diatomic molecules, known to exhibit this problem when studied within standard approaches, including the local spin-densityEnergy of the dissociated Li...F molecule vs q -- a fraction of transferred charge

approximation (LSDA). By employing our recently proposed [E. Kraisler and L. Kronik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 126403 (2013)] ensemble generalization we find that asymptotic fractional dissociation is eliminated in all systems examined, even if the underlying exchange correlation (xc) is still the LSDA. Furthermore, as a result of the ensemble-generalization procedure, the Kohn-Sham potential develops a spatial step between the dissociated atoms, reflecting the emergence of the derivative discontinuity in the xc energy functional. This step, predicted in the past for the exact Kohn-Sham potential and observed in some of its more advanced approximate forms, is a desired feature that prevents any fractional charge transfer between the system's fragments. It is usually believed that simple xc approximations such as the LSDA cannot develop this step. Our findings show, however, that ensemble generalization to fractional electron densities automatically introduces the desired step even to the most simple approximate xc functionals and correctly predicts asymptotic integer dissociation.

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The fundamental gap is a central quantity in the electronic structure of matter. Unfortunately, the fundamental gap is not generally equal to the Kohn-Sham gap of density functional theory (DFT), even in principle. The two gaps differ precisely by the derivative discontinuity, namely, an abrupt change in slope of the exchange-correlation energy as a function of electron number, expected across an integer-electron point. Popular approximate functionals are thought to be devoid of a derivative discontinuity, strongly compromising their performance for prediction of spectroscopic properties. Here we show that, in fact, all exchange-correlation functionals possess a derivative discontinuity, which arises naturally from the application of ensemble considerations within DFT, without any empiricism. This derivative discontinuity can be expressed in closed form using only quantities obtained in the course of a standard DFT calculation of the neutral system. For small, finite systems, addition of this derivative discontinuity indeed results in a greatly improved prediction for the fundamental gap, even when based on the most simple approximate exchange-correlation density functional--the local density approximation (LDA). For solids, the same scheme is exact in principle, but when applied to LDA it results in a vanishing derivative discontinuity correction. This failure is shown to be directly related to the failure of LDA in predicting fundamental gaps from total energy differences in extended systems.

We present and test a new approximation for the exchange-correlation (xc) energy of Kohn-Sham density functional theory. It combines exact exchange with a compatible non-local correlation functional. The functional is by construction free of one-electron self-interaction, respects constraints derived from uniform coordinate scaling, and has the correct asymptotic behavior of the xc energy density. It contains one parameter that is not determined ab initio. We investigate whether it is possible to construct a functional that yields accurate binding energies and affords other advantages, specifically Kohn-Sham eigenvalues that reliably reflect ionization potentials. Tests for a set of atoms and small molecules show that within our local-hybrid form accurate binding energies can be achieved by proper optimization of the free parameter in our functional, along with an improvement in dissociation energy curves and in Kohn-Sham eigenvalues. However, the correspondence of the latter to experimental ionization potentials is not yet satisfactory, and if we choose to optimize their prediction, a rather different value of the functional's parameter is obtained. We put this finding in a larger context by discussing similar observations for other functionals and possible directions for further functional development that our findings suggest.

One-electron self-interaction and an incorrect asymptotic behavior of the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential are among the most prominent limitations of many present-day density functionals. However, a one-electron self-interaction-free energy does not necessarily lead to the correct long-range potential. This is shown here explicitly for local hybrid functionals. Furthermore, carefully studying the ratio of the von Weizsäcker kinetic energy density to the (positive) Kohn-Sham kinetic energy density, τW/τ, reveals that this ratio, which frequently serves as an iso-orbital indicator and is used to eliminate one-electron self-interaction effects in meta-generalized-gradient approximations and local hybrid functionals, can fail to approach its expected value in the vicinity of orbital nodal planes. This perspective article suggests that the nature and consequences of one-electron self-interaction and some of the strategies for its correction need to be reconsidered.

Density-functional theory (DFT) is an exact alternative formulation of quantum mechanics, in which it is possible to calculate the total energy, the spin, and the charge density of many-electron systems in the ground state. In practice, it is necessary to use uncontrolled approximations that can mainly be verified against experimental data. Atoms and ions are simple systems, where the approximations of DFT can be easily tested. We have calculated within DFT the total energies, spin, and higher ionization energies of all the ions of elements with 1⩽Z⩽29. We find the calculations in close agreement with experiment, with an error of typically less than ca. 1% for 1⩽Z⩽29. Surprisingly, the error depends on the electronic configuration of the ion in both local spin density approximation and Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof general gradient approximation and independent of both self-interaction correction and relativistic corrections. Larger errors are found for systems in which the spin-spin correlation is significant, which indicates the possible benefit from an orbital-dependent formulation of the correlation energy functional.
In the exact Kohn-Sham density-functional theory, the total energy versus the number of electrons is a series of linear segments between integer points. However, commonly used approximate density functionals produce total energies that do not exhibit this piecewise-linear behavior. As a result, the ionization potential theorem, equating the highest occupied eigenvalue with the ionization potential, is grossly disobeyed. Here, we show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, most of the required piecewise linearity of an arbitrary approximate density functional can be restored by careful consideration of the ensemble generalization of density-functional theory. Furthermore, the resulting formulation introduces the desired derivative discontinuity to any approximate exchange-correlation functional, even one that is explicitly density dependent. This opens the door to calculations of the ionization potential and electron affinity, even without explicit electron removal or addition. All these advances are achieved while neither introducing empiricism nor changing the underlying functional form. The power of the approach is demonstrated on benchmark systems using the local density approximation as an illustrative example.
